Hello world! Yes indeed hello to the world!

This is my very own, just for fun, website! I’ll also be testing things here too so if something looks broken then that’s probably because it is broken. I’m a web designer by day and a cider drinker by night, not every night though and I don’t design websites every day either, even though it feels like that sometimes.

I live in Frodsham, a small town in north Cheshire, which is a big county in northern England, the original England that’s in the UK btw and not some other random England on the other side of the planet. I’m very happily married, well most of the time anyway, apart from when leaving the loo seat up or forgetting to take the bin bag out to the wheelie bin causes another noisy acrimonious quarrel 😉 Sorry if you’re reading this wifey, don’t forget this site is just for fun! We have two great kids, Libby and Bruce.

I plan to post holiday updates, photos and generally anything else I might find interesting and want to keep as a record and share with the world. Call it a kind of public diary I suppose. Now lets see how often I actually find the time to update this, probably once a year if I’m realistic.

blue sky white fluffy cloads

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